Why a Study Bible?

In answering the question: “Why did you decide to do a study Bible?”, Chuck Swindoll stated that the Bible is central to everyone’s faith. It’s sort of home base, he said. It’s God’s very Word, and we must never forget that. So, in order for us to really put our faith together, we have to have a pretty good grasp of the Word of God. But, of course, the Bible is more than information. It’s written to change our lives, not simply to satisfy our curiosity.

The desire on God’s part is that we would learn his Word so that we might walk closer with Jesus. That’s what the Bible is all about, isn’t it? After all, that’s why God has communicated his Word to us—so that we may become like his Son, Jesus Christ, who is the central figure of this Book.

I wanted to share my love for the Bible, and what I’ve learned along the way. My primary focus in ministry has been teaching biblical insight for living . . . for genuine life change.

For more than 50 years, I’ve ministered to people, and I’m still as involved as ever. There are so many things through the years that I’ve included in my study but have not put into books. They’ve found their way into this study Bible. This Bible is the product of all of those years of study, research, teaching, and preaching.

Source: BibleGateway

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