Scripture Doctrines

Basic Bible Doctrines is a book written by Rev Dr. Henry Lawrence Graham, who was a Baptist and became a Unitarian minister and a follower of Dr. Vincent S. Hughes. Dr. Graham preached that all men are sons of God and that the Bible is God’s word meant for all mankind. He claimed that it is an up to date book that is in force today and is the final revelation from God. He also said that it is necessary for every Christian to study the Bible and learn its truths so that they may know the mysteries of God. It is because of these things that every Christian must have basic Bible doctrines to be effective at teaching other Christians.

The main point of Basic Bible Doctrines is that God created man and the Holy Spirit sent the Son to die for man’s sin, so that man might become new once more and be saved. They also claim that salvation is from God and not from man. What the Bible teaches is that man will be saved through obedience to His teachings and His word, that is, through faith in the future life. All men are sons of God because God is a personage who can save anyone who will accept Him. The only thing man has against the Father is that he did not accept him when he was born, but that is where the Father comes in, just to keep him on earth. In other words, the Father saves everyone because he is God.

Dr. Graham taught that there are only two choices: either obedience to the Bible or disobedience to God. There is no third choice. This lesson was taught in several sermons including one on the day of Pentecost, when Christians were gathered to celebrate the Feast of Atonement. The main topic of this sermon was the Day of Atonement and what lesson could Christians learn from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This sermon contained many scriptures and explanation about the meaning of this event.

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