Research Driven Best Practices for Educators

Research is the process of critical thinking, experimentation and problem solving . Using the capabilities of the human mind to
search for and seek answers, to find the truth.
When I was a student teachers would typically assign chapters to read then have students answer the questions at the back of the chapter or on the worksheet. Students would then turn in the assignment to be graded. Once graded the assessed worksheets would be returned to the students to put in their folders for future access.
This is an antiquated process of teaching and learning.  This is absolutely an ineffective way to create an atmosphere and environment to reach learning targets and student success. Students are virtually left alone to wade through the processes involved in their learning and achievement. Another pitfall in the world of teaching, learning and education is for teachers to follow a fad or teach according to the latest program or political agenda.

The effective teacher on the other hand intersperses questions throughout class activities. This approach engages student sin activities that lead to successful acquisition of knowledge. Concepts like cooperative and collaborative learning and peer to peer interaction can freely flow in this positive educational environment.

  • Assign chapters to read. Antiquated approach to learning
  • Answer the questions at the back of the chapter or on the worksheet. Antiquated approach to learning
  • Deliver a lecture and have students take notes.

This can be a good teaching methodology if the teachers intersperses questions about the academic content to stimulate student s with
engagement of ideas and learning.

  1. Show a video or do an activity.    This can also be part of a good teaching methodology if there is immediate discussion of the content of the film or Video. If the Video is just shown to occupy learning time than this is a no-brainer and an antiquated learning methodology.
  2. Construct a test based on a number of points. This is a reflection and throw back to an antiquated method of assessing student progress.
  3. Control the assignment of grade. This is another antiquated approach to the educational process, While assessing students is an important part of the teaching / learning equation. Assessment should be integrated and interspersed between learning segments.

In this way students take control of their learning. They have a comfort level with the learning process and they are
able to know where they in relation tot he targeted learning responses.

Source: by Dr. Christopher Chandler | Dean of Genesis University

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Genesis University.