CERT 300: Certificate in Biblical Studies


[icon name=”certificate” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Program: Certificate 
…..Earn an academic Certificate upon completion

[icon name=”calculator” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  3 Credit Hours Required
…..Classroom and homework studies required

[icon name=”globe” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  100% Online Courses
…..Start instantly and learn at your own pace

[icon name=”calendar” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Flexible Course Schedule
…..1-Month intensive courses start each Monday ending 30 days later

[icon name=”cart-arrow-down” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Program Cost
…..Please see Tuition-Free & Fees page

SKU: CERT 300 Categories: ,


Course: CERT 300: Certificate in Biblical Studies – Genesis University

[icon name=”check” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] This certificate course is for students in undergraduate level who have completed general courses and are taking core courses.

[icon name=”check” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] This certificate course includes the actual study of the core courses together with theoretical frameworks in completing the program.