Bible Inerrancy

Many people who raise questions about Bible inerrancy, whether Bible is inerrant, or if Bible truths are reliable or not, if Bible teaching is reliable or not, if Bible is infallible or if the Bible is the infallible Word of God. All Bible teachers agree that Bible is the infallible Word of God; however, they disagree on how Bible is inerrant or in error. According to Bible scholars, the Bible is inerrant because Bible does not contain errors or faults. Also, Bible scholars present the Bible as the Word of God and Bible as the word of the One who is holy and just and the Bible is inerrant in this regard. They also say that Bible is inerrant because Bible is the written Word of God.

Some critics of Bible inerrant, Bible teaching say that Bible is inerrant or infallible because God the Bible says so and there is no need to check it because God says so. Another Bible critics however says that Bible is in error because God the Bible is the infallible word of God and it obviously does contain errors as all written things to do and for that matter all written things were the written Word of a particular person or group of people. In other words according to this Bible critics, Bible is in error because we have a history of mistakes, which is the history of mankind. According to this view there is no such thing as Bible critics as Bible is infallible and in error because the Bible is the written Word of God and it obviously contains errors.

According to the ontological Bible school principle Bible is infallible, not in error and must therefore be accepted as true. According to the traditionalist views, the Bible is not in error because someone doesn’t know exactly how it was written. Many Seminaries teaches that Bible is in not error because we simply don’t know the way God intended it to be written, for it is the Word of God and we don’t have the ability to change the Bible so we cannot change what God said. According to a naturalistic Bible school principle, Bible isn’t in error because one doesn’t have adequate means to verify its accuracy or its precise wording. Finally, the Bible dispensers are accused of holding a set of beliefs that are contradictory to the most dominant forces in today’s society – fundamentalists who believe that human beings are free and intelligent and deny any divine influence upon their actions and liberalized who believe that divine influences are beneficial and effective and therefore affirm human freedom and agency over the actions of our natures.

According to Bible scholars, the Bible is inerrant because Bible is inspired by God and in its original transmission by God contains no errors or faults.

Photo by kharoll Mendoza /