Great Commission & Christian college

There is yet another dimension of the relationship between the Great Commission and Christian education.  Where the Great Commission goes, schools follow.  Look right behind the boundary of missionary expansion and you will see a desperate call for teaching.  Christian schools emerge where the gospel of Christ has reached and the strength of the church requires educated Christians.

Where the Great Commission goes, schools follow.  Look right behind the boundary of missionary expansion and you will see a desperate call for teaching.  Christian schools emerge.

The earliest schools of the Christian church were the catechetical schools of early Christianity – founded for the education of new converts in the faith.  Where Christianity is strong and faithful, strong and faithful schools are required.  Christianity is a faith that must be taught, and Jesus made that clear even in the Great Commission itself.  Enroll today at Genesis University every discipline must be calibrated to Great Commission faithfulness.

Source: by Genesis University | Admissions

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