Rocky Dania | author, song writer, worship leader

Second to none author, music producer, and song writer and worship leader; Rocky Dania released her first book entitled Dear Worshiper on January 6, 2018.

Rocky Dania shared on her website her unconditional commitment to the Gospel ministry; “Now that I have surrendered to that calling, my hope is that through my art, others are inspired to have their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ as well.”

Please check below Rocky Dania’s amazing testimony on her website, “Dear Worshiper” book, and the beautiful video “The Cost”!

Rocky Dania

A Note From Rocky Dania

Writing Dear Worshiper was a test to see whether I, myself, truly understood the principles I claim to live by as a Christian. Every time I wrote a chapter, I would test out the chapter’s theories on the problems present in my life at the time. If the application of the theory did not successfully combat my problem(s), the theory would be left out of the book. If the application of a theory afforded me consistent good results, it was further expanded upon throughout the content of Dear Worshiper. The main question the book provokes in us is this: Dear Worshiper, do we really understand why being Christian is beneficial for our everyday life, or do we only “worship” because that’s what we were religiously “taught” to do?

Please check Rocky’s amazing testimony on her website at this link.

3 thoughts on “Rocky Dania | author, song writer, worship leader”

  1. Rocky Dania,

    Thank you for producing this wonderful song of praise and for your testimony to our Lord Jesus Christ. I feel inspired by your talent and by God’s grace and mercy.
    Dr. Christopher Chandler: Dean School of Education Genesis University.

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