Missions: Restoring Child Victims of Human Sex-Trafficking in Cambodia

Defend the weak and the fatherless;  uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. – Psalm 82:3 (NIV)

by Thomas Luke | Instructor of Theological Studies at Genesis University

According to leading research, the country of Cambodia is at the top list of countries where pedophiles prey on young children. Ignoring the suffering of these children is against God’s command to help widows and orphans. In order to help these children, a plan must be put in place to provide aid, support, and restoration. The main goal of this work must be to restore these victimized children through a healing ministry.

The issue at hand is a pressing one yet unnoticed. This abuse is an assault to humanity’s defenseless ones yet continues to be prevalent. Historically, children who have missing parents are left to all types of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Child labor laws were implemented to address the abusive conditions in which children have been the target of much pain and suffering. One must not turn the other way and ignore such a prominent issue. Why is this issue so important? Children are the future and in order to make a difference in the generations to come, one must take responsibility to ensure safety. Helping the next generation is everyone’s responsibility as members of a civilized society. This social problem touches the deepest part of any heart because these little individuals were addressed by Jesus saying, “let the children come to me” (Matthew 19:14) and “unless you are like a child, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3)

If the Bible addresses the importance of children in our society, then it must be a priority to care and take a stand in preventing child abuse at all levels and in all parts of the world. The healing process for children is no different than the healing of adults. It is in childhood that preventive measures need to be in place to avoid having children growing up and becoming abusers. This cycle needs to be broken by ministries that focus on healing and education to address a problem that has been long-standing in our society as a cancer sore that never heals.

The issue of childhood victimization of human sex trafficking seems to be such a remote problem that it is distanced from most people’s sphere of consciousness. Unfortunately, members of today’s society may travel overseas to satisfy a fetish, a curiosity, and or a delusion. Absent any demand, there would not be a situation where children in Cambodia would be preyed upon. So, the question remains: Why is Cambodia the capital of the sex trafficking of children?

Many factors contribute to the huge Cambodia pedophile market. These factors include the lack of resources for children’s welfare and the underground predator market. The solution to address this problem is to open a network of ministries to address the needs of these victims. This paper will attempt to delve into the more intricate details of this important issue, as well as seek both an understanding of the crisis as well as positive steps that individuals, society, and governments can take to battle this epidemic moving forward.

A Brief History of Cambodia
The long history of Cambodia begins with the tradition, culture, and lifestyle that were unchanged until the growth, foreign influence, and the civil differences that arose in the political arena. The culmination of the worst turn in the history of Cambodia was during the period of the Khmer Rouge between 1975 to 1979. This devastation caused a chain reaction that affected every aspect of Cambodia’s society. Predation.

The steady economic growth was stunted, and its economy put back centuries by this period of destruction. The result was poverty to the highest degree. This reality opened the door to the evil that has plagued this country ever since. The abuses toward the most vulnerable members of society began with increasing numbers escalating every day as children in this part of the world go hungry and become victims of sex trafficking.
The core of the disenfranchisement is the abject poverty that many find themselves living in each day. The impoverished country after the post-conflict aggravated the problem of forced sex labor. The magnitude of corruption increased as a result of post-conflict rebuilding and has been contributed to by the existence of foreign influence within Cambodia’s borders.

Foreign Influence
Throughout Cambodia’s history, many outside influences have impacted its culture, people’s beliefs, landscape, and economic force. These factors have significantly contributed to the current situation within Cambodia. Most importantly, this influence has resulted in the devastating condition of children in poverty. The continued upheaval of revolution, genocide, and foreign economic interest have left a devastated landscape that sets the stage for child predation.

Western Influence
The most recent influence wave of influence has come from the United States. This influence, which led to growth and expansion, resulted in a huge rush of movement that separated Cambodians into very distinct and well defined social and economic classes. The objects of westernization – or symbols of such were eyewear – items that would later become the targets that ended the lives of so many people. This Western influence from the United States has also opened the door to unintended consequences such as children being made objects to purchase and use rather than protect.

The process of modernization came to the Cambodian society with as much force and unexpected excitement as if an alien were dropping out of the sky. In cultures where long-standing traditions have been the foundation of civilization, this process creates states of welcome as well as rejections. The modernization of Cambodian society led to disproportions of wealth in particularly in Cambodia’s capital and surrounding areas, increased sentiments against modernization. These sentiments have led to inner-class conflict as well as an increase in the demand for foreign influence and capital. These realities have created difficult and tragic circumstances for the most vulnerable and unprotected people in Cambodian society, including women and children who must make difficult decisions in order to gain access to basic needs.

Beliefs and Religion
Buddhism is the official religion of Cambodia. Approximately 97% of Cambodia’s population follows a specific sect of Buddhism known as Theravada Buddhism. Islam, Christianity, and various forms of tribal animism making up the bulk of the small remainder of religious people.
The Cham people represent the core of the Muslim communities in Cambodia. Sunni Islam is the largest denomination of Islam, which is followed by 87% to 90% of the world’s Muslim population. In Cambodia, Islam and the Arabic language are taught as well as English, French, Chinese, and Japanese. The Koran is being translated to Khmer. Chams or cham people (Sunni Islam) migrated to Cambodia due to war, genocide and assimilated into the population.

The Political System
Since Cambodia is a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliamentary form of government, the most influential power holder is the position of the Prime Minister. There are no three branches of government that operate separately but, instead have been merged to one control. As a result of this type of system, the judiciary lacks fair trial procedures resulting in human rights violations.

The courts are infected with corruption and political influences. This is causing much disparity between the influential and the powerless who learn to suppress the freedom of expression and exercise their God-given rights. Corruption is the motivator of the security forces. Equitable distribution of power and fair justice is nonexistent. The consequences of the imbalance of power create crimes such as human trafficking, illiteracy, and inefficiency of the country to sustain its people.

The Act of War
The social engineering project of the Khmer Rouge led by Pol Pot resulted in millions of deaths between 1975 to 1979 was a huge mistake. The action by this extremist group was a declaration of war to its own people that eliminated one-fourth of Cambodians. Their objective was to create a classless society and establish an agrarian society. In the process of this unfounded action, the stage was set for the atrocities that plague today the innocent children of this part of the world. Poverty, limited resources, broken infrastructure, and the greed of people in power positions contributed to the situation in Cambodia. The need to survive changes the mental process of people in desperate situations. As a result, the human sex trafficking disease continues to grow more in this country where human rights are non-existent, and corruption governs.

The crimes against humanity began way before the current situation. The conditions of prisons are deplorable. The maltreatment of detainees is a constant war against humanity. In this case, against their own people. In any war zone, there is the destruction of many established norms such as a healthy way of life through respect, trade, business, and socially acceptable behaviors. In the act of war, common sense is lost and a dark cloud of insanity rules.

Biblical and Theological Backgrounds
One must look through the lens of the Bible if we want the spiritual view regarding evil spiritual principalities operating in this world. (Ephesians 6:12) Cambodia is known as a predominantly pagan idol-worshipping country which invites demons into the lives of the Cambodian people and its children. Therefore, evangelism and discipleship will also play a large role in the healing of Cambodia as a nation and the people individually. The meaning of scripture implies to look after the widows and orphans. There are natural causes that leave children without parents. In Cambodia, the rampant killings left so many children without parents. This situation was a massive evil act of eliminating the parents of innocent children. In Exodus 22:22, it says, “Do not take advantage of the widow or the fatherless.” Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (James 1:27)

The underlying themes in scripture are to aid the poor and needy. This is the reason to have a healing ministry that caters to the needs of this underserved population. The need to help is mentioned numerous times in the Bible. It is an unfortunate situation for many children who currently face apathy from society. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy (Proverbs 31:9)

Widows and Orphans
(Psalm 82:3) says to “Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; uphold the rights of the afflicted and oppressed.” The command to help others or whenever possible is governed by scriptures. This message is repeated over various bible verses. Examples include 1 Timothy 6:18 which says to “do good,” be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share.” In the following passage, the Lord says, “Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless, or the widow.” (Jeremiah 22:3). Yet, the opposite of what the Lord intended is what exists.

The Rich Young Man
“It is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than a rich man.” This paraphrase of what Jesus spoke about brings two important issues: The wealthier a person is, the less pursue of spirituality. The heavy claws of materialism keep man cemented into the affairs of the world. The trappings of the material world blinds and keep the doors of the heart shut down.
There is too much emphasis on wealth that society has lost the sense of humanity. Things have become more valuable than humans. On this premise, the trade of humans into slavery for profit is a common practice. In the minds of the perpetrators, their sickness overtakes the reason of what is right and wrong.

Jesus was teaching a valuable lesson in this statement, “sell what you have and give it to the poor, you will have treasures in heaven, and come follow me.” The excess of wealth held by one person causes an imbalance in our society and puts others at risk. The poor children in Cambodia is an example of this imbalance in our modern society.
The following bible verse also points to the imbalance in society. “Now, this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.” (Ezekiel 16:49) When people are too self-centered, the needs of others are overlooked. It is clear the call to help the needy.
(1 Timothy 6:10) says “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” In order to follow Jesus, one must become free of materialism as this poses a hindrance to obtaining treasures in heaven. Following Jesus does require the elimination of the excess wealth. No matter what amount of money and possessions, it can never compare to the eternal gifts awaiting in heaven. Unfortunately, the suffering of children that lack the basics continues to feed the sickness of pedophilia.

Related Literature and Models
In building this argument, many sources were consulted. The most relevant are listed and analyzed in the following sections:
CPSIA’s Human Rights Reports

The annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, also known as the Human Rights Reports, cover internationally recognized individual, civil, political, and worker rights, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international agreements. From this report, one can gain insight into the systemic injustices that have – and still occur – across Cambodia.
Metzl’s Western Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Cambodia

An interesting ideology that Pol Pot promulgated consisted of pointing to the country’s own people as enemies. From this standpoint, trust began to be eradicated from this culture. Every person was a potential enemy of the state. This is one tactic used by many leaders in a position to change the course of history. The speech that Pol Pot delivered contained this element. By having this single element implemented in the minds of his followers and continued brainwashing of such ideology, many people were tortured before being executed.

The disappearing of senior leaders such as Hou Yuon, Hu Nim, the Minister of Information, Tiv Ol, Koy Thuon and Toch Phoeun began as early as 1975. The purges of leadership were carried out and expanded outside of Phnom Penh, where entire groups of cadres were eliminated by just by being suspected of disloyalty. The new Khmer Rouge killed former policemen, soldiers, government officials, teachers, students, monks. Although history has had its share of systematic genocide, the outcry of children-victims is a crisis prevalent in this area of the world.

The cultural genocide of the twentieth century inflicted sexual abuses of children of the Canadian Residential Schools between 1876 – 1996. One hundred and twenty years of abuse toward the most fragile members of our society. This is a perfect example of a class of people (indigenous) that are considered subhuman with no human rights. The poor children of Cambodia can be put in the same category. There is an aversion to poverty. (Proverbs 14: 20) The poor are shunned even by their neighbors, but the rich have many friends.

The innocent victims of a systemic poverty condition strip these humans from their rights. The privilege and ruling class determine the value placed on the diverse populations. Unfortunately, in Cambodia, these children are the result of land devastated and impoverished. Many young girls are given away and sold by their parents compared to the indigenous parents whose children were taken away by the authorities for the purpose of educating these children and eradicating their culture.
United Nations

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth or another status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made based on the political jurisdiction or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs.

The violations of human rights that took place in Cambodia between 1975 to 1978 resulted in a huge massacre of innocent people. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an ideal document that delineates what should be in existence everywhere. Unfortunately, intentions and practices are lacking in most parts of the world. In Cambodia, it was a gross violation of the basic tenets of life. Such evil practices continue to exist in civilized societies because of the central government of greed, power, and the lack of love and respect to the creator of the universe, and therefore, to our fellow man.

Reliable Sources
Mam’s The Road of Lost Innocence
The poverty levels and the mindset of the impoverished results in maltreatment to a member of their immediate family and community. This personal account of a young girl’s plights to survival and development, one can understand the struggles that adversity that must be overcome. From the start, Somali’s personal strength and hope for a better future fueled her survival aptitude. The pain and suffering that she endures most of her life have been used to change the lives of so many victims.

The impact of her organization has made a significant change for the better in the local community. The horrific abuse toward young girls continued to escalate to reach children as young as 5 years of age. The violation of the physical and emotional well-being of these young children is appalling. It is an embarrassment to any society. In a country that has been devastated morally, economically, and culturally, the number of child-victims is alarming.

In this personal account, Somali witnessed her friend shot in her presence. This traumatic incident would turn anyone crazy, but it made Somali stronger and more persistent to make a change. Despite all the daily struggles, physical pain, and emotional torture Somali experienced meeting individuals who help her improve her situation. Pierre who became her husband introduced a whole new world to Somali, which she gained insight to help other victims. After opening a center for those victims to find hope and healing, the story shares how peace and wholeness were restored to these women and children through the love of Jesus Christ.

Chenda Keo’s Human Trafficking in Cambodia
Reporting the findings of a comprehensive study of human trafficking in Cambodia, author Chenda Keo’s Human Trafficking in Cambodia focuses on the characteristics and operations of the traffickers. Keo builds a theoretical framework that explains the emergence of the phenomenon, and the role of moral panic and western hegemony in the war on human trafficking. Keo examines police and prison records as well as interviews with dozens of incarcerated human traffickers, police and prison officers, court officials, and members of NGOs. Keo takes a deep look into Cambodia’s criminal justice system to see how those in power continue to allow and even promote the heinous acts against women and children that are so prevalent in Cambodia.
Why is the criminal justice system lagging? (Deuteronomy 1:17) Do not show partiality in judging; hear both small and great alike. Do not be afraid of anyone, for judgment belongs to God. Bring me any case too hard for you, and I will hear it.” To bring justice to these victims, a proper court proceeding needs to take place. There is an amount of resources necessary for a successful court case. The punishment for the perpetrator comes as an end to a dark period in the victim’s life. It marks a new beginning.

The Economic Engine
In order to impact the economic incentive of sex trafficking, the demand needs to decrease. By reducing the demand, it would not be necessary to get the supply. The creation of a perverted and twisted demand causes the activities to supply the sexual sickness of ill and depraved men. The economic context is compromised, and strong leadership appears to be a great challenge, topic that needs to be addressed on a national level.

Why do they do it?
The mental health of individuals is often disguised with the appropriate circumstances that support an illusion of evidence that conceals the prevalent evil. The mental sickness is masked. Cambodia is the playground of the sick holding first place worldwide. From an economic standpoint, it is a profitable industry. From a moral standpoint, it is degrading and an embarrassment to society that allows deplorable treatment to children.
The spiritual stance is very alarming because Cambodia culture places value on beliefs, tradition, and ancestry. The respect of life and the protection of children becomes secondary when poverty causes a breakdown of moral judgment and the survival of the strong becomes the norm. Solving this social-economic issue is complex and requires efforts beyond the individual’s capacity due to the limited resources available.
The lack of gainful employment drives this industry forward. The child-predation industry is the fastest growing industry in the world. Why does something so foul, repugnant, and outright grotesque continue to exist?

(Exodus 34:6-7 Expanded Bible EXB) 6 The LORD passed in front of Moses and said, “I am the LORD. The LORD is a God who shows ·mercy [compassion], who is ·kind [gracious], ·who doesn’t become angry quickly [patient], who has great ·love [loyalty] and faithfulness 7 and ·is kind [guards/preserves loyalty] to thousands of people. The LORD forgives people for ·evil [iniquity], for ·sin [transgression], and for ·turning against him [sin], but he does not ·forget to punish guilty people [ clear]. He will punish not only the guilty people, but also their children, their grandchildren, ·their great-grandchildren, and their great-great-grandchildren [ to the third and fourth generations; Num. 14:18; Neh. 9:17; Ps. 86:15; 103:8; 145:8; Nah. 1:3].”

The Rescue
Some rescue-mission organizations have a working relationship with the local police-force such as the police in Cambodia, who form SWAT Teams; which arrest Western Pedophiles to later be prosecuted in their home countries. For example, Agape International Missions have their own AIM Swat Team. Once the victims have been rescued, the long and arduous process of healing begins. There is no guarantee. Many of these victims are beyond help due to the severe damage. Many victims often return back to their previous lifestyle after being rescued. There are many joyful outcomes but with success comes many failures. Brave men and women have risked their lives to save many children victims.

Failed Missions and Statistics
Failure can come right after a successful rescue. How can this be? If strict measures are not done to secure the victims from going back or reverting to the past situation, then the efforts would have been in vain. The hard part is not rescuing, it is in helping the transition to self-reliance and independence.
If the local community of victims are living in poverty, then, the rate of failure would be high. The vicious cycle continues because of the extreme poverty and lack of employment. Retraining for these ministries is a must to ensure success and survival. After training, employment is the key to preventing the number of failed missions to increase. By decreasing unemployment, the chances of failure also decrease.

Healing Ministries
Part of the healing process must include forgiveness. Often, the children victims have been placed in the hands of the evil person by desperate parents. This behavior has had a domino effect into society. It has given the message that girls are less than boys. Girls can be disposed of and sacrificed. The clients have also spread the notion that these girls are substandard and that it is okay to treat them as third-class citizens. Their rights have been completely stripped. It is as if these girls were not human. To investigate the existence of such a decrepit state of humanity is to realize the unimaginable cruelty that can be used against another human being. This is a perfect example of the darkest side of humanity.

Ministry Survival
For any ministry to prosper in this part of the world, it must have a solid foundation of staff totally committed to the cause. A strong financial support system is vital to the longevity of existence. The growth can be steady if the procedures are in place to safeguard its continued efforts toward building a community that fosters love, care, and respect. A long-term plan must be in place as well as short term goals. There must be a continued effort toward expansion and careful planning toward this end. At the same time, flexibility and room for adjustments need to be accounted for. A well-organized plan that considers all the variables is necessary for ministry survival.

Why Help?
The question many ask is “Why should we help?” The true answer is “Why not?” The young and broken need all the help society can provide. Joining the team that provides, support, and plan for the well-being of these children should be a priority. For society to make progress in the human rights arena, it needs to join efforts to eradicate an evil that needs to be addressed immediately.
The attitude of urgency must take place and avoid getting into complacency. Every minute, hour, day, weeks, months are a time bomb for these innocent children that suffer continuous pains, torture, and slow death at the hands of a system that turns them into victims every day. The prolonging of the suffering of physical abuse, psychological torture, and spiritual unrest makes this the biggest crime against humanity. If one must ask why they should help, then society has failed.
There are already numerous organizations dedicated to improving humanity, the environment, and protecting wildlife. Why not help the innocent children that are fed to the mouth of the lions? We are called to help rescue these children from the claws of premature death. “Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” (Psalm 34:14)

Most Needed
Forgiveness is needed on both sides. (Matthew 5:43-45) “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. (Matthew 6:14-15)
14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

From this biblical account, comes the most powerful tool available to humanity. That tool is to forgive our perpetrators. In doing so, much of the heaviness is lifted because Christ Jesus took onto himself the sins of the world. He was innocent but received the worst punishment ever in history.
This example paradelles the on-going agony that children must endure. The importance of a Healing Ministry cannot be emphasized enough. The urgent need is to design, implement, and maintain a healing ministry specialized in rebuilding lives that one day can help rebuild more lives. It is in the hopes that this domino effect would follow the examples and teachings of the greatest teacher of all times, Christ Jesus. Jesus Christ is the only actual hope for the child victims of human sex trafficking in Cambodia.

Project Life
Create a plan that focuses on living with integrity. This helps improve living conditions. The project should provide physical safety through shelter, clothing, food & clean water. By increasing the conditions that individuals live in, they are more likely to rise above their circumstances and find restoration.

Project Description
The plan would provide a detailed explanation of the necessary materials and supplies. The first step is having space through land and building constructions. A complex for housing, as well as space for individuals to learn and heal will be vital for their success.

Every plan must have a mission statement. The clear mission statement is to build trust in the process of life for victims and provide safety as they transition from experiences of trauma to a new life of freedom in Jesus Christ.

One Step At A Time
The process is a long-term commitment to ensure lasting and productive results in helping victims. The first step into the many is to provide crisis intervention. From this stage, the next step would be to provide stable support for care. Giving consistent care builds security which is very important to ensuring victims’ progress. The success of the program relies on following each step in every stage of development. In order to achieve success for these victims, it is important to assess improvements and make accommodations and adjustments where needed and at the appropriate stage for everyone.
Every step should be acknowledged and celebrated, as many individuals will journey along the path at different rates and with varying rates of success. Regardless of the outcome, every success should be celebrated in order to bring hope and healing to the individual and the rest of those in the program.

The restoration process deals with the mind, body, and spirit of the client. Once children are in a safe house, we can begin the psychological restoration with mental health professionals, social workers and treatment centers. Although cognitive therapy has an important role in restoring children, it is even more important that the body of Christ shows these children the unconditional love of our Father-God in heaven. (1 John 3:1) An integral part of the psychological restoration involves daily activities that are new yet desensitizing to the clients and that offer a nurturing, loving, and caring environment. During the initial portion of restoration, a team of highly effective staff oversees the children 24/7. Depending on the age, severity, and length of trauma, clients are separated and placed with staff. The initial phase of adjustment involves an assessment of client needs. Activities will include healthy lifestyle changes such as clients choosing the color of the blankets, toys, etc.

Some rescue missions work closely with a police force such as swat-teams to arrest foreign child predators. Agape International Missions (AIM) was founded by Pastor Don and his wife Bridget Brewster who work tirelessly in Cambodia accompanied the AIM SWAT Team, volunteers, expats, and co-workers.
Once the victims have been rescued have the long, painful and arduous process of healing ahead of them. There is no guarantee. As of November 2018, AIM has rescued 1,107 children, women and men, restored 814 survivors, reintegrated 856 survivors, and impacted 6,533 children and adults through prevention programs.
Many of these victims are extremely damaged due to being subjected to sexual violence as a child, therefore many rescued girls return to their perpetrators (child-pimps). Many of these children are trauma-bonded to those who exploit them. Prominent American psychologist and FBI sex-crimes profiler Patrick Carnes, PhD wrote a book called The Betrayal Bond about this subject matter.
One case that Dr. Carnes sited, was that of the three female hostages were taken at gunpoint during a bank robbery where their lives were threatened. After the robber/kidnappers were arrested and then sentenced to serve time in prison; two of the three women that became pen pals, and visited their hostage-takers men in prison. Eventually two of these women married these men after they were released from prison. According to Patrick Carnes, PhD, these women were considered to have had a betrayal bond with these men due to the trauma they experienced during the bank robbery.

The objectives and outcomes of the restoration process is to provide a transition from trauma to a therapeutic center. In this phase, clients establish trust in the staff and their surroundings. Counseling begins immediately since the outcome involves the goal of independence. In addition, clients maintain a schedule and have ongoing group therapy.
The center can evaluate its efficacy and may determine the clients’ abilities to engage in duties, such as gardening, cooking, etc. The clients’ educational level may be addressed during this period.
Finally, the clients’ self-sufficiency is evaluated based on the length of time in the program, demonstrated, and psychological well-being. It is during this time that clients are reconnected to their families, and given outside employment opportunities, or establishes employment in the center with the support of staff or social workers. Having a proper program in place will provide adequate support during activities that will include healthy lifestyle changes and cultural perspectives on the condition of a properly implemented system.

The main objective is to establish a healing program that begins as the victims arrive at the center. Throughout this process, all clients are restored to their highest level of functioning and are properly placed in the community or within the center.
Initially, a thorough intake must be completed for all victims accepted into the center. This intake includes a history of past physical and mental health, substance use, medications, trauma, family history, previous coping mechanism, family and community support systems, and client-centered goals. Some clients may need to be placed in a facility for observation and care while others may not need such services. It is a good practice to have each client evaluated physically, emotionally, and psychologically.
The goal is to have these victims restored in a way that is self-monitoring and self-supportive, which leads to productive lives for themselves, for their families and for society. These client qualities are achieved incrementally and within a non-judgmental environment with plenty of room for error.
The church and the community are a large part of this program’s efficacy. Each client will be given the opportunity to serve in various capacities in the community depending upon their ability, their skills, and their personal interests. Each client will receive the appropriate orientation and support to begin work in the church and in the community.

The success of the program is determined by the success of each client. The success may be realized through the following lens: The sooner these individuals are engaged in the community and church, the better their lives will become. These survivors will be a testament to the effectiveness of the program. The efforts of the program will be acknowledged by the success stories.
The best outcomes are having these individuals to become happy, to be productive, and to be well balanced. For many, relocating outside of Cambodia might be the best option, as this may allow trauma to be healed more effectively. For some, reuniting with family promotes healing while others healing might not be the case. In cases of a dysfunctional family reunion, a foster home/ family might be the better option as some of these victims were first victimized by family members.

Long term goals for returning a sense of well-being to victims might include: enforcing human rights laws; fostering accountability of law enforcement or government agencies; securing security officers (who are non-partisan, private and armed) to ensure human rights; physical protection for victims through secured housing; increased number of social workers, specialized in human trafficking; registering citizens at birth and creating an office of birth registry in each village; open victim offices that support, train, educate, recommend, and provide resources to victims; in addition, open a national and international victim hotline.

Having a private response team on call 24/7 in each city or village; stricter consequences for perpetrators of sexual harassment; distributing flyers communicating data/info on human trafficking, sex abuse, and physical abuse; having an ad campaign involving billboards throughout the country; encouraging women in politics; supporting more women in politics; creating women’s groups; providing women’s opportunity grants; encouraging women in business; creating microloans; opening humanitarian offices for health clinics, legal documentation, job training, and exchange programs.

These goals can also be accomplished through a variety of educational programs that focus on subjects such as financial literacy, family counseling on preventing abuse, and many other social projects. Awareness of the child-victims of human sex trafficking in Cambodia must take place first.

The Process
The beginning of an exciting time for the victims to complete a crisis-program. The following are the core elements of the process: Initiation, Mentoring, Educational and Vocational, Life Skills and Social Re-integration, and counseling. These programs are interconnected with each other and provide a complete system. Once the victims go through the Initiation period, they are referred to as “Participants”. When these Participants accept the Lord Jesus, they become a “new creation” in Christ. These born-again Christians are ready to embark on the journey of spiritual growth, healing, and restoration. Then the participants can go through a three to six year discipleship process led by a pastor or pastors wife.

The purpose of the Initiation Unit is to provide the necessary help once the victims have been moved into safety. A strong and effective Mentorship Program is a crucial part of any program. Educational and Vocational Programs need to be provided at the various stages of healing. The varied craft activities provide an opportunity to learn a trade that can be useful in making a living later. Life skills and social re-integration program allows individuals to engage in social activities such as making meals together in a cooperative domestic environment. Group and individual counseling should be a part of the daily schedule to foster emotional support.

In the Development Program, the individuals are provided with different types of physical, intellectual, and psychological activities that target specific skill-building to build confidence which is part of the healing process. With the different age groups, the correct developmental program will be implemented to support the healing, growth, and progress of everyone. Success of the program is determined by the success of each client and the sooner these individuals are engaged in the community and church, the better their lives will become.
National and International Networks

Restoration Ministries
What is a restoration ministry and what is its purpose? Much effort has been toward awareness of human trafficking, rescue, and basic support. A healing ministry focusing on restoring is the missing piece of the puzzle. In order to prevent these girls from going back to what they were rescued from, employment opportunities need to be created and increased. This can only be done from the worldview of those who both know how to handle cases of trauma and abuse with a clinical eye, as well as those who have experienced the love and comfort that can only come from those who are trained in restoration ministries.

How to Restore the Sexually and Relationally Broken
The short-term goals once victims are rescued is to begin the arduous process of rebuilding the broken psychological makeup of the individual. In children, the synapses need to be rewired. A new program needs to replace the current state of mind. Depending on the intensity of the traumatic experiences, an innovative therapeutically models need to be applied and monitored. The application process requires a highly qualified specialist. This member of the team must have the training, qualifications, and the dedication to follow through after the initial intake. The monitoring process will need to be established and quantified.

Adequate documentation is necessary to provide a long-term plan. The timeframe depends on the age, lengths of trauma, and the assessment condition at the time of the initial intake. Progress will then be closely monitored to make the necessary adjustments to ensure success. The rebuilding process is very important. From this point forward, the complete success in the restoration process relies on the effectiveness of the initial program.

Implementation and monitoring are the key factors to ensure the accomplishment of a renewed individual. As found in scripture, we are a new creation in Christ Jesus, so much this attitude is in place for the restoring of the victims. The staff in the initiation unit must have the qualities of a “Christ-like” characteristic. Love is patient, love is kind, and other virtues must be present for teams to care for the vulnerable well (1 Corinthians 13).

In addition to the technical expertise of the members of staff from the initiation unit, the ability to empathize is a requirement for the total sum of abilities and skills. The check and balances system in place must be up to date and meet the regulatory standards set forth by the Ministry. The Restoration Ministry will be held accountable to the highest standard by local practices and biblical mandates. These standards are important to safeguard against the arrows of the enemy (Satan). Great lengths must be taken in order to maintain standards and have complete transparency. At this point in the process, having an organization in place to cater to the victims is a must.

Foundation for Humanitarian Efforts
Resource Connections
Substantial humanitarian resources are needed throughout the country of Cambodia and ongoing educational programs to provide strong educational support for a change of culture within the coming generation. Furthermore, the sooner the new culture is spread out throughout the new generation, the better their lives will become. These survivors will be a testament to the effectiveness of the program. The efforts of the program will be acknowledged by the success stories. Each success story will be the evidence to propel on-going efforts and combine resources.

Organizational Chart of Responsibilities
Team Leader for Crisis Intervention
This team is composed of management staff with support and administrative. It includes field and hands on staff who will be directly involved with people and be organized regionally in local operations throughout the country.

Team Leader for Stage 1
These individuals will take part in routine medical examinations, recuperation, therapy, nutrition, rest and relaxation for those who are in the program. Best programs will succeed where best leadership will be responsible for implementation of these programs.

Initiation Unit
In conjunction with the first stage, a special unit called the Initiation Unit must be utilized. This separate unit operates differently from the other team functions. Members of this unit hold advance degrees in complementary fields. An active list of consultants will be kept. This list of experts will include fields of neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology, functional medicine, medical, spiritual, and research universities. Together with a spiritual based approach of prayer and visionary guidance from God, many will become beneficiary of the program.

Team Leader for Stage 2
This team will handle the structured schedule of living, learning, enriching activities, classes, life skills. Education is the tool to change the mentality and culture of one community at a time till the entire nation is saturated.

Team Leader for Stage 3
After basic needs have been met, these team leaders will oversee the personal development of individuals in the program, focusing on programs that can build skills for vocations.

Assessment Team
This final team will come in at the end of the process to oversee psychological evaluations, on-going mentoring, support meetings, continuing education, and other support services for those who have graduated the program. This team will be responsible for bringing reports of how those who have matriculated through the process have fared.

Program Completion
A system to track the effectiveness of the program will be used to record the results after three, five, ten and twenty years. Many of the restored individuals will be able to serve as mentors for future members of the program. This will ensure an exponential growth for those involved in the program.

Accelerated Literacy
A strong literacy program will be established for the community. For there to be any hope of progress and independence for individuals, they must learn to read at a level that will help them to survive and thrive in modern society. This includes not only reading for pleasure but also learning how to read so that they can succeed in business and economic ventures.

Economic Growth
In order to see economic growth, occur, specialists and consultants will be utilized to address the key components that make this healing ministry a complete success. This department is dedicated solely to the advancement of economic possibilities. The team composition includes external and internal resources for the long-term growth of the operation and its viability. Specialists such as auditors, business consultants, and government agencies for economic development will be utilized for the ministry as well as for the participants interested in entrepreneurship opportunities. An economic development team will be used to see that these policies are adopted and implemented in their proper ways that bring hope and healing to the right people.

International Exchange Program
This program is designed to accommodate the needs of the specific individuals who desire to travel outside the country for educational and training purposes. Providing this opportunity to the program participants will be a valuable instrument for successful healing and progress. Studies show that people who participate in worldwide travel gain a huge perspective and are better equipped to successfully accomplish many goals than their counterparts. This opportunity to travel outside the country will be a huge step in the healing process that brings a solid closed door to the horrible past many of the participants suffered.

No matter how much time, energy, and resources are allocated into an area such as Cambodia, the efforts will be outweighed by the greater need of manpower and organized networks. Healing ministries will always be a beacon of light during raging darkness. The hope of these victims lies within the potential of additional Christian healing ministries to labor in the combatting of evil. The wave of growth relies on the awareness and action plans toward reducing the pain and suffering of so many children. The necessary help can come and reach as many as possible by the start of new healing ministries throughout the territory. Hopefully, this can grow into a wave that can cover all victims worldwide. One of the major goals of this research was to make it applicable to all human sex trafficking abolitionist organizations at the local, national and international level.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
― Edmund Burke

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Genesis University.


2 thoughts on “Missions: Restoring Child Victims of Human Sex-Trafficking in Cambodia”

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  2. Boy you, Thomas Luke are a breath of fresh air to all those who’ve been traumatized by human sex trafficking which by far is one of the biggest money making industries in the world including America!! Every single little boy & girl who’s been robbed of their innocence & sexually traumatized like this feels dirty, abandoned, shamed, betrayed & forsaken to become the man or woman God’s created them to be! I’m so very proud of you & the work God’s called us both to do ~ the world needs to hear our message that Christ alone can restore what the locusts have stolen & set other captives free! For me it was like the sound of a distant drum ~ a sound I tried to ignore but was unable to do so for decades. But when God calls in this deep messy work such as this we each have a choice to make ~ do the right thing & heed the High high call or ignore the benefits of reaching all God’s sweet innocent kids who’ve been robbed, beaten, lied to, spat at, ripped apart & forsaken! Like you, I’ve joined the forces, often standing all alone but knowing I’m joining a very special choir of voices to rescue those who have no voice who are still very battered & broken.

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