Preparing for Mission

Most mission organizations require prospect missionaries to have a Bachelor degree in Missions.  Like all other Bible-related degree programs, the Bachelor degree in Mission provides an acquaintance with the biblical text and the necessary auxiliary studies to allow special preparation for mission work.

A graduate with a Bachelor degree in Missions will:

  1. Learn how to communicate biblical truths effectively to people from cultural backgrounds different from their own.
  2. Become more aware of and sensitive to cultural differences than they were when they arrived on campus so that they can serve people from different cultural backgrounds effectively with a reduced likelihood of offending those people.
  3. Experience how New Testament Christianity functions in different cultural contexts through campaigns, missions internships, and, in some cases, overseas studies opportunities.
  4. Be sufficiently grounded in the Scriptures to be able to teach the word of God competently and faithfully regardless of the cultural context.
  5. Gain sufficient competence in a modern language other than English so as to be able to communicate at least at a basic level with a native speaker of that language.
  6. Learn the importance of the church in God’s plan of salvation for people of every nation, every tongue, and every tribe.
  7. Learn the importance of growing spiritually and receive instruction in how to go about pursuing spiritual growth throughout their lives. Student must complete a minimum of 120 hours including the major, core, and minor if required.

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