Polish President Andrzej Duda compared LGBT ideology to communist doctrine

Polish President Andrzej Duda compared LGBT ideology to communist doctrine in a campaign speech as LGBT rights become a hotly debated topic ahead of June 28 presidential election. Eastern European countries showed resistance and unwelcomed LGBT, and it seems that with President Duda, Poland will not be supporting LGBT.

President Andrzej Duda presented several family-related election proposals, including a promise not to allow same-sex couples to marry or adopt children, as well as a ban on a teaching LGBT related subjects in schools.

“My parents’ generation fought for 40 years to eliminate communist ideology from schools so that children would not be taught by force. So that young people, children, soldiers and youth organizations cannot be indoctrinated. They did not fight for a new ideology, even more destructive, to appear “, said Andrzej Duda at a rally in Brzeg. While LGBT rights appears to prevail in many Western European countries, it doesn’t appear that Eastern European countries share the same values. LGBT doesn’t seem to have much support in the country of Poland, and according to President Duda, there’s no further support for the future.

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