Moving Forward after the Corona Pandemic

Finally, after seven months of quarantine, wearing facemasks and social distancing, the corona virus is leveling out across the USA and throughout the world. Now is the perfect time to invest in people. Students, professionals and other workers need to be front and center in business planning and in the providing of services. One thing we do know is that we do not know how the remainder of 2020 will play out. One thing we do know and have been reminded of throughout this pandemic is that people are resilient and will battle through adversity. They are the ones who will lead us into the future.

This is the main reason why I have written the book “Current Trends and issues Affecting Education”. This book is available on my website and on It’s full of practical knowledge and strategies to help everyone become a strategic partner in helping to deliver correct content and important information to your organization, school and place of business whether in the public or private sectors.

When one reads and follows the tips and strategies incorporated in the topics covered in my book, one will be able to create a more compelling strategy to deal with the common topics and issues that are affecting education in the contemporary world that we live and teach in.

There are many ways to engage Learners and enhance learning in the age of the internet, e commerce and pre-recorded webinars. Here are some of my favorites webinars that are produced by the instructor himself. The teacher speaks conversationally with the students about the goals for which they are studying and striving to reach.

At the beginning of the webinar, have a brief introductory video of the instructor where he is in the class and how the agenda will go.

Next the instructor asks an Advance Organizer (comment about concept to come) or an Orienting Question (Question to start them thinking about the concept) to set the stage for learning. The goal is for the Learners to pull the concept or content This brings their existing knowledge into the forefront of their minds before you teach content. People learn by attaching new knowledge to an existing framework of knowledge and make connections to the new knowledge. These tactics pulls that framework to the top of the Leaner’s mind.

There are many other cognitive learning strategies that help Learners retain more and gain the ability to apply what they have learned to new situations.


(1) Carol Oliver, Supercharged Learning and Training, Sandy Springs, GA 2018.
(2) Dr. Christopher Chandler, Current Trends and Issues that Affect Education, Genesis University, Hollywood, FL 2020.

Dr. Christopher Chandler | Genesis University