Freedom in Truth

Declining moral values, increasing violence, corrupt influences at work in society, lack of moral leadership, disregarding God in personal conduct, and failure to establish a sound, just social order, were the continuing conditions taking place in the days before the flood. We (the people of America and in every nation) are in danger of following the same depraved spirit of disobedience as the people living before the flood! Their way of living brought humankind into a violent and corrupt manner of living shortly after creation, which was the cause of their destruction. Does this have a familiar sound? Look around! We observe similar happenings in the social order of today!

The lack of ethics taught is obvious, moral standards of conduct are declining, violence is increasing, and efforts to remove God from all segments of society are growing daily. Doubts about the true account of the origin of life, as taught in the Bible, is continually instilled in the minds of young people, as the “theory of evolution” is continuously, and increasingly taught as fact in the educational systems of America, and made a part of science literature and textbooks. The “big bang” theory, accompanied by the necessary dependence on immense lengths of time for evolution to have taken place, shown continually on “scientific programs”, developed for television audiences so there can be no immediate objections raised against the erroneous theory as portrayed. It appears that Scientific, Academic, and Political authorities are in a collaboration of efforts to remove GOD from society in America. Their purpose is the elimination of spiritual principles, moral standards, and the destruction of absolute truth that allows individuals to decide for themselves what they accept as rules of personal, and civil conduct, thereby weakening the fabric of society, eventually setting the stage for a “take over” by a secular regime.

There are ongoing and strong efforts to establish the “theory of evolution” as an alternative philosophy that excludes GOD, and the rights of individuals to participate in teaching moral, and the principles of spiritual living, allowing ungodly persons to implement control over people. The individuals, who embrace this system of belief, do not feel guilty because of their corrupt and self-serving actions, and find no reason to change because of self-indulgence, self-gratification, and self-aggrandizing. Human Scientists, Paleontologists, evolutionists, and others, engage in the typical process of developing a hypothesis or theory without having any basis, or substantiating proof. They then set about searching for a way, or ways, to justify their hypothetical contention, often finding it necessary to fabricate unproven details to justify what they are proposing. The explanation, or meaning of the facts they are presenting are more often than not their own suppositions, and conjectures, not based on solid truth or facts. Politicians then call for the teaching such false theories and contentions in public schools, from elementary, through High school, and into institutions of higher learning. Academic circles then enter these false theories, and conjectures into the curriculum textbooks without determining their truthfulness, teaching these unproven theories and concepts as fact. The High Court of the Land upholds such actions, making it illegal to speak of GOD in public schools and other places. These misguided efforts result in the loss of freedoms and rights of thousands and thousands of people who believe and trust in the living GOD. Such purposeful, erroneous actions will be the reason for generations of agnostic, and disbelieving individuals to flourish, bringing about a corrupt and immoral social environment.

Even now, there are cults, social groups and advocates of atheism, who openly campaign against the practice and teaching of religion, or spiritual values, and the reality of GOD, in any form, publicly or privately. Is society willing to disregard God, and with a clear conscience, accept whatever false theories and contentions academics, politicians and advocacy groups propose, without demanding proof of their truth beyond a shadow of doubt? Those who sincerely believe in the reality of God are prevented equal opportunities to provide a refutation of these false, deceptive, and erroneous concepts, with the truth! “Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us.” — Justice William O. Douglas, —- “In order for evil to flourish, all that is required is for good men to do nothing.”–Edmund Burke. The assault on Christianity, the Christian religion, and those who would advocate these principles, is becoming increasingly prevalent in today’s society. Condemnation, physical assaults, and destruction of places of worship are becoming more commonplace throughout the world. We cannot continue to be “the silent majority” and expect truth, trust, and faith in God to continue to exist in this land, or any other land. Why must those who have unshakeable and unalterable faith in God be relegated into a secondary or lowly status in society because of dissenters’ loud proclamations concerning their lack of belief in God, trying to hide behind their incorrect and false assumption regarding the intent, and meaning of the constitution? The Constitution does not deny or prevent religion from being a part of society, but does prevent the establishment of a state sponsored religion that applies to its citizens under penalty of law. The purpose and intent of the Constitution is to guarantee the right of all citizens to pursue their free choice of religious beliefs. Future historians will look back on this age with the view, “It was all about power and control by deception”.

5 The LORD descended in the cloud and stood there with him as he called upon the name of the LORD. (Exodus 34:5-7 (NASB). 6 Then the LORD passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in loving-kindness’ and truth; 7 who keeps loving-kindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations.”
Will we deprive children of future generation’s access to teachings concerning religious precepts and words of truth given to us by God because of our own lack of faith and trust in the living God? Are we destined to repeat the same corrupt and immoral daily lifestyle as people living before the flood? Is it possible we might learn from their mistakes and avoid the violence, corruption, and moral decay that engulfed those people, eventually bringing about their total destruction? If those generations, living before the flood, were unable to escape the consequences of their ongoing corrupt and violent life style, how is it today’s generation are so confident they are exempt from the consequences of their own corrupt, immoral and violent actions? It was the rampant spread of what might be classified as atheism (not believing in God), in the years before the flood, when the people, in general, turned away from and disregarded God. It is very evident they ignored any of the precepts and commands God first delivered to Adam, and then through faithful men in the following years, until the time of Noah. (Ref. Luke 17:22-36) Among all the multitudes of people who populated the earth at that time, only eight people were found to be worthy of the salvation provided by God.

The need for a solid foundation of truth has never been more urgent and needed than now. Individuals must seek after truth, with courageous determination, and an abiding trust in the Living God, willing to follow these precepts of truth as signposts along the pathway of life. What will provide us with dependable, truthful answers to solve these ongoing and increasingly demoralizing, and destructive problems? There is an urgent need for a return to simple pure truth, to renew again one’s faith in GOD, starting at the beginning of creation, and seeing the Lord God of Heaven at work throughout human history. It is vital to learn again the truth of God’s eternal existence, revealing the knowledge, power, strength, and wisdom of Jehovah-Adonai, the Lord GOD, clearly shown in the ultimate beginning of all creation. Learning the truth and believing in Divine creation provides a solid foundation for further spiritual development and growth. These powerful truths of creation are essential to establishing truth, enabling faith, and renewing trust and hope, in the living GOD.

It is my fervent prayer that those who dedicate themselves to studying the truths contained in the Bible, will increase their knowledge, strengthen their faith, and become more confident in trusting GOD. If each person sincerely and honestly studies the Bible, this will help each one become more confident in learning, developing a deeper love and desire for the truth in the Bible! In so doing, Biblical truth will become the standard principles by which each person exercises control over his or her life, developing a stronger, moral and peaceful social environment. There can be no more secure foundation on which to develop one’s life, than the infallible truth of God.
20 “Declare this in the house of Jacob And proclaim it in Judah, saying, 21 ‘Now hear this, O foolish and senseless people, Who have eyes but do not see; Who have ears but do not hear. 22 ‘Do you not fear Me?’ declares the LORD. ‘Do you not tremble in My presence? For I have placed the sand as a boundary for the sea, An eternal decree, so it cannot cross over it. Though the waves toss, yet they cannot prevail; Though they roar, yet they cannot cross over it.23 ‘But this people have a stubborn and rebellious heart; They have turned aside and departed. Jeremiah 5:20-23 (NASB)
Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 2 “Son of man, you live in the midst of the rebellious house, who have eyes to see but do not see, ears to hear but do not hear; for they are a rebellious house. Ezekiel 12:1-2 (NASB)
Do not let these axioms apply to this generation and generations that follow!
“There are none as blind as those who will not see”
“There are none as deaf as those who will not hear.”

The adherence to moral and ethical principles has largely disappeared from the political leadership of secular government, and society in general. America desperately needs a return to these moral and ethical principles in government, the application of justice, fairness, and equality by political bodies in conducting the affairs of government, and the acceptance of personal responsibility on the part of every citizen, to uphold and abide by all moral, ethical, and just laws.

Source by Gerald Pippin | America Needs God

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