Decline of Protestantism

According to Joe Carter, editor for The Gospel Coalition, wrote an article on why the decline of protestantism may be a good news for Christians.  He indicates that for the past 15 years, survey finds America’s religious makeup has shifted dramatically with a sharp drop in the number of Americans who say they’re members of a Protestant denomination.

Ed Stetzer said in 2015,

The nominals are becoming the nones, yet the convictional are remaining committed. In other words, Americans whose Christianity was nominal—in name only—are casting aside the name. They are now aligning publicly with what they’ve actually not believed all along. The percentage of convictional Christians remains rather steady, but because the nominal Christians now are unaffiliated the overall percentage of self-identified Christians is decline. This overall decline is what [a Pew research survey] shows—and I expect it to accelerate.”

This decline of nominal Protestantism may be good news if we see it as an opportunity to share the Good News with those who didn’t realize what they abandoned.”

Source: Joe Carter | The Gospel Coalition

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Genesis University.


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